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How Institutions of Higher Learning in Nigeria are contributing to the high rate of unemployment and how you can pass through the system and become employable or an employer

The reasons I said that the Institutions of Higher Learning in Nigeria are contributing to the high unemployment rate in Nigeria are:

  1. The majority of graduates produced by Institutions of Higher Learning in Nigeria cannot match their counterparts from other countries in terms of quality and creativity. One of the reasons for this is because most of the Institutions’ curricula are obsolete. They are still studying what is not relevant in the ‘now’. I am not saying that Nigerian Higher Institutions do not produce some graduates that are sound and creative. Not at all. They have produced great graduates that are better than their contemporaries anywhere in the world, not because of the systems of those Higher Institutions; but because those outstanding graduates decided to be the best they could be no matter the system they found themselves in. They elected to update themselves with the latest information on their chosen area of study and ensured they excelled.
  2. The majority of the personnel in Nigerian Higher Institutions not suitably qualified for the job. Most of the Lecturers in the Institutions of Higher Learning in Nigeria are not sound enough to be teaching in those institutions. Most of them managed to graduate during their time and without passion for teaching got a job as Lecturers because they have someone at the corridor of power that made it happen when they couldn’t get the type of job they wanted.
  3. The Institutions of Higher Learning in Nigeria are not fully engaged in the services they should be involved in. Most Higher Institutions in Nigeria are not fully involved in major research and developments and consultancy that will bring about transformation in the economy.
  4. The entrepreneurship programme introduced in Nigerian Higher Institutions is not really achieving its objectives. They are running it the way they are running other programmes. They are not practical enough to impart skills that will make the students entrepreneurs.

These are some of the reasons I said that the Institutions of Higher Learning in Nigeria are contributing to the high rate of unemployment in the country. If majority of them are doing what they’re supposed to be doing, in terms of addressing the challenges highlighted above; they will directly or indirectly be impact positively in creation of jobs in the country.

For the students that are in the system and those that will still join the system, it will be expedient for you to understand the challenges highlighted above, and ensure the system does not totally affect your development negatively. You should know that some students have passed through this system and became the real best in their chosen field of study by merit. And when they did go abroad for their Masters their sterling qualities were equally confirmed.

You should study everything in your scheme of work and update yourself with the latest information on those courses. Here you have to use the internet positively on those areas you need expansion of knowledge. Do not use the internet to reduce your wit and value by going into pornography or other areas that will not help your education.

Get more knowledge about entrepreneurship, get as many skills as possible and ensure you start at least a business before you graduate. Just know there is always a business you can start if you are determined.

And when you graduate and decide to look for a job, it will be easier for to get one if you have taken cognisance of the advice given above than when you just passed through the system only taken what were dished out to you by those institutions.



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