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SME Guide

Great untapped business ideas for Nigerians

There are business ideas that once you mention it, everyone will be aware of them. But those business ideas that not many people are aware of in terms of converting them to business are what I summarized below.

Daycare center
You know that the majority of families have children, and they need earn income to take care of themselves. Most working class parent don’t have enough time to take care of their children. If you love children and are sure that you can care for them, you should consider setting up a daycare center.
For starting a successful business, the environment has to be suitable for children so that parents would trust you with their kids. If you are creative in your approach to the youngsters and can create a good atmosphere for them, then you have a chance to make good money from this venture. Except that, it is possible to start it from home, as long as you think that your home would be a good starting place for the daycare center.

Exportation agricultural products
Nigeria is a country which is full of various natural resources and quality food. You can start your own exportation business, if you register with the Export Promotion Council of Nigeria, and decide which specific product would be best for exporting. Some of the products that are in high demand abroad are cassava flakes, cocoa, yam flour, groundnut, chili pepper, cashew nuts, mango, and many others.
You have to ensure you that your packaging is world-class as this will improve your business.

Waste management and recycling
This is another niche that has potential of positively impacting Nigerian economy. Many Nigerians are still unaware of the great potentials that abound in waste management and recycling.
There are tons of products that can be generated from recycled waste materials few of which includes plastic, broken bottles, wine, roofing Sheets, etc.
As a small scale business owner, you don’t have to be the one in charge of the recycling all you need to do is look for means to get the waste products to the organizations that have a recycling plant and you will be paid for it. So if you are ready to make your hands dirty, then this great untapped business idea is waiting for you.

Nursing home for the elderly
Nursing home for the elderly, if well structures can be a great business for someone who has passion for the elderly. Once people can trust you and see how you care for the elderly, they can trust you with their elderly ones so that they can have time for their jobs.
Here, you have to ensure that love flows from your heart, if not you may not be able to see someone that can trust your with their elderly onces.

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